Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Reciprocal Link Exchange Campaign Works

In an online business, it is necessary to be familiar with reciprocal link exchange request from niche related sites and this however can be a bit complicated since it needs the skills of being a good marketer and convincing a site owner to be willing to exchange links with you freely. Link exchange allows the leveraging in terms of sales and an ingredient to a successful SEO campaign. Websites with relevant niche content will provide great benefits to your site’s rankings than will several links from less relevant sources.

Though most SEO professionals are familiar of this unique goal of a search engine optimization process , the precise identification of relevant pages linking to your site will show effectiveness in quality inbound links. However, aggressive approach that can lead to link farming will offer very little to your supposedly prospects and can greatly compromise your website for such act.

To enable a successful link exchange campaign, it would be best to consider a theme, topic and niche that you will use for you link-request invitations since most sites use this to hyperlink to your site, so consider the keywords or a short keyphrase that is of the most value to your optimization program that you’ve studied and have shown low competition high traffic relevance. You have to keep in mind that the exact keyword of choice that link to your site are just as valuable as the link itself on search engine rankings.

Here are the steps you have to take for a successful link exchange campaign:

- itemize by category, title, description and other relevant information.
- esearch should concentrate on key phrases such as industry links, where the word industry is an important keyword related to your site’s industry or field of interest.
- Sparsing and fine-tune your list. Keep in mind that, of all the web sites you have written on that list, not all might be willing to provide a link to your site.
- A true backlink is one that directs from visible text directly to your site. Always keep in mind that a text link is ten times more efficient than any gif or jpg image link. Search engines cannot see or readimages like humans can. What they crave on is pure, old-fashioned text. Now many small online directories use scripts to organize their data.
- Evaluate your options when confidential contact information such as address, phone number and email address is optional. You don’t want your name or email address put on any solicitation list or spam-related sites. However, providing a valid email address allows means for the webmaster to contact you should they have questions or comments concerning your site. You could also consider creating a temporary email address that you would use for link submissions exclusively.
- Finally, polish off & perfect your strategy The last step is your most important: personally thank all positively responding webmasters who agreed to your reciprocal link invitation. Regardless of any frustration or confusion you may encounter in the process of your link exchange program, always remember that other websites are actually doing you a favor by posting your link, even if you post their's on your site.
Another significant proposition for your initial preparation phase is to devise a way of recording your requests and submissions. You will soon realize that, like us, an effective reciprocal link exchange program that really works can leave a lot of email trails that can rapidly overwhelm you in a short time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Reciprocal Link Exchange Programs are the best way to seriously increase your Page Rank in Google. This is an exchange program where site owners, webmasters, companies and sometimes even individuals exchange web links between them.


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